Friday, March 7, 2014

Losing a Middle-Schooler and Finding Happiness...Day 13

This morning when I weighed in (as I do every morning) I was 8.2 lbs down from my start weight of 219.7. When you have 50-75 lbs to lose, 8 lbs generally seems insignificant.  As I went about my morning routine, I checked the mirror.  Did I look different?  Well...not really.  Did I feel different?  Maybe a little but that's likely less about losing and more about eating less and better food for my body.

I realized, though, that it isn't insignificant.  It' a start... It's forward momentum.  Heck, it's a tiny human.  My babies were not much bigger than 8.2 lbs.  Many viable babies are much less than that.

Basically in the end, I need to lose a middle school kid.  My daughter is close to 70 lbs and it blows my mind that I have that much extra weight on my body...that I am basically carrying another human around all the time. No wonder I am tired, unmotivated, achy.  If I tried to carry my child from the car to the house it will likely be impossible, yet I carry that much around with me every step I take.  Mind...blown...

I'm done being in THAT place.  I'm done dragging around dead weight.  My goal for this year is to find my happiness.  That partly depends on weight loss and yes, part of it is vanity.  I want to feel good about the way I look. But more than that, I want to be able to enjoy my life in a way you can't when you're dragging around 50 extra pounds. I want to walk with ease...maybe even run...without the feeling that I may hyperventilate.  I want to sit on the floor and get up with out having to hoist myself.  I want to shop in a normal store and not be limited to only a few plus size stores.  I want to have the energy to do other things...hobby-type things.

Yes, this year I want to find my happiness again. And I want it to be about ME.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

An Honest Moment Captured...Day 12

This blog post was actually an email written to my BFF Amy when she off-handedly asked how me and Adub were doing. It got long, but I have a very honest relationship with Amy and it came out in the writing.  I wanted to remember these thoughts and since this blog is my online journal of sorts, I natural decided to preserve it here.  ---

Me and Adub...well, as they say on's complicated.  It's probably best discussed over beer or coffee....or vodka.  :-)  I have spent a lot of time thinking about our relationship over the last few months.  Our 20th anniversary was in December. The best way for me to describe my state of mind is realistic and honest.  

I spent 20 years waiting for him to be what I need and I guess I finally admitted to myself that it will never really happen.  He will never be thoughtful, sensitive, romantic, etc.  He will never give any more than he has over the last 20 and when I'm honest, it's not enough and it's not ok.  With that being said, I made a commitment, more to my kids than to him, to give them a family and for now, that is what I will continue to do. I'm not willing to sacrifice Kdub's happiness for my own. 

To be fair, I'm not miserable...just disappointed.  Sometimes being with someone is lonelier than actually being alone, if that makes sense.  It magnifies what your missing.  I have found that, finally admitting to myself that this relationship is broken, has been freeing to a certain extent.  It has relieved all the pressure to try to make it pretend that it's good and well and wonderful.  I do what I want to do without any pressure to be what someone else wants or least for the most part.  I'm still practicing and I'm getting better. I don't try to change him and I try not to let him change me.  I'm trying to remember the person I was before...before I became so jaded.  I'm trying to remember how to find my own happiness instead of depending on someone else to help me be happy. I finally understand that concept.

I think my marriage has just withered up and for the most part, died.  Mostly its from neglect.  The part that's really sad is I don't think Adub notices at all.  If he does, he doesn't let on.  He is so complacent it's nauseating.  In my MOST honest moments, I will admit that while I think he believes he loves me, I don't know if he has really ever felt that strongly.  Maybe he settled for me? He is thoughtful when it comes to Kdub.  He thinks about what will make her happy.  Getting her a valentines gift or birthday gift.  He never thinks of what will make me happy.  I don't think it's's just not on his mind.  I think he is way more connected to HB than he is me.  

One of the game changing moments for me was when he said he thought he would take Kdub to the movies one Friday night. Now, the reason that was such a defining moment is that he WILL NOT go to the movies with me.  I couldn't tell you the last movie we went to.  He says he falls asleep in the movies and it's a waste of money.  This wasn't the first time that had happened.  Last summer he thought of taking Kdub to see Jason Aldean in concert.  He said I could come too if I wanted.  8-/  Gee thanks.  Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE Jason Aldean and I would have given anything to go to that show.  He either doesn't know me that well, or he just doesn't care.  I'm not sure it matters which it is. It's all those little moments and comments that are salt in the wounds of an already damaged relationship. Every birthday, anniversary, valentines day without so much as a card...they all add up.  

I'm not sure we've ever had a super normal relationship, but I guess I always thought it would grow into one.  But communication issues, respect issues, feeling all takes its toll.  I'm not even sure I'm sad anymore.  I'm just in this neutral place.  There's a Three Days Grace song with a line in it..."I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all...".  I get that, because these days I look at him and feel nothing.  I mean we still have sex and it's still good, but it's physical, not emotional.  It comfortable and familiar, but its really just meeting a need...friends with benefits.  We still say I love you, but it feels hypocritical every time I say it.  It's not a lie...I do love him, but its more like a friend.  I don't feel a deep, loving connection with him. I've always felt that we were meant to be together but now, not so much.  On some level, I feel like I grew up and he stayed the same.  On another, I feel like I lost myself...I became a product of my environment, settling for less that I deserved and convincing myself it was ok, when really it wasn't.  It was just me being weak.  Andy isn't a bad person.  He is a good dad and a fun person to hang out with.  He just doesn't know how to be a good husband.  He doesn't want to put in the work.

It sounds like a sad situation, and in a lot of ways it is.  But in some ways it's good.  It's good for me to come to terms with the situation and to be honest with myself.  I think a lot of my weight issues have been connected to emotional eating issues.  Food makes me happy when he doesn't and that's a lot of the time.  I'm trying to learn to focus on me and my happiness, because no matter how much I give and invest, this relationship will never be more than it is today without the other half investing and that's not likely to happen.  

RE frequently reminds me to let go of the past.  The only thing we need to spend time on is today and tomorrow.  His clarity came as the result of an unwanted divorce.  I figure it's good, hard-earned advice that I can apply to work and home so I try to listen.  I don't think he knows it but he has been very good for my state of mind.  He is way more mellow than he was before and that's a good thing.  I'm hoping it'll rub off.

So, for now, I'll sit tight where I am and try to figure out who I am, over and above being Adub's wife and Jdub and Kdub's momma.  I'm thinking about hobbies and interests, and being a better version of myself.  I don't know what the future holds but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Shopping for clothes = Misery...Day 11

Some people love shopping.  I am not one of those people.  I think I used to be...way, way back.  But not now.  Now I associate shopping with debt...and wasted time...and when it comes to shopping for clothes for myself, misery!
I'm 11 days in on my weight loss journey.  I'm on a 11 day streak in my food diary, staying within my calories for the most part, and I'm 7.2 lbs down as of this morning.  I was feeling GOOD!  

And then I went to the mall.

I had a little event coming up at work and needed to find a little something new to wear.  On my lunch break (which ended up being a 2 hour lunch break, btw) I headed to the mall.  There are two plus size stores in the local mall...Lane Bryant and Torrid.  I'm not in love with either of them because shopping at either is hit or miss for me.  They are both perfectly good stores, but I am not a perfectly good plus size chick.  I am, and always have been, disproportioned, which makes shopping miserable.  My hips and booty are a size or two bigger than my waist and bust.  Pants have always been a challenge.  Empire waist/tunic style shirts are much better for me but you might find one or two on a good day.  I have always known it but it seems fresh and new each time...I HATE TO SHOP FOR ME!!!

I came home with one new pair of yoga pants, in a size 22/24, which for the record, I have NEVER bought before.  Misery....

On a more positive note, I counted it up and there are 18 weeks between me and our summer vaca beach trip.  At 2 lbs a week, that equates to 36 lbs, which would put me in the 170's.  I think I will still hate shopping, BUT I know I will like it better than I do now.  

I'm officially letting it go, here and now (at least until next shopping assignment).  Yesterday is gone and I have to move on. I've committed to spending my time on the here and now...on what matters today. Thank you for letting me vent.  What are you struggling with today?  Is it weight related?  Family issues?  

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week One Recap...Day 7

They say new habits are formed over time. Some people believe it takes 21 days...some say more like 66 days (9.5 weeks).  I'm not sure which I believe, but I do believe it takes a while. I'm pretty much a creature of habit so changes (goods ones at least) don't always come easy for me.

With that being said, after 7 full days of making changes for a better me, I'm doing pretty good.  I've logged my food every single day in My Fitness Pal, even on days when it wasn't pretty (and one day was anything BUT pretty).  Even with the bad days, I've lost 6.2 lbs in the first week.  I'm so excited!  Oh I know this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, but it's a start and what I really needed right now was a start.
This week I've proven that I can plan and do great, and I can mess up a little (or maybe a lot) and I still do pretty darn good. I mean I ate a darn chocolate & hazelnut cream tart one day...and the same day I had a crazy, too heavy dinner. And today I ate at Olive Garden...and I ordered some crazy cheesy appetizer that no one else wanted so I had to eat it by myself. But I worked it out and staying within my calorie range.  I don't feel deprived. And I'm ready to hit it hard again tomorrow.

It's odd...I've done this weight loss thing over and over and over again.  It normally feels the same but this time it kinda feels different. I'm not quite sure why.  I've been thinking that maybe it's the inspiration of someone who has actually done it, and had the pictures to prove it.  Or maybe I'm just doing it for the right reasons this time.  Maybe it's because it's not all about 'looking' better as much as it is 'being' better. Or maybe it's because I'm keeping it real.  When I wanted a ridiculous tart, I got one...and I ate it...and then I moved on. I'm just taking this one day at a time, worrying about today and tomorrow and letting go of the past.

Things to note this week:

  • I'm still shooting for 2000 calories or less.  I'll change that as the weight loss decreases.
  • I didn't get in any exercise this week other than my walk last Sunday night.  I will try to do better, especially when the time changes! other news this week:

  •  My sister had a baby in the parking lot of Jack In The Box (more on that later).  
  • My son has started filling out applications to go back to school. 
  • My mom's home renovation is almost complete.  
  • My daughter is still playing softball (our first tourney is next week). 
  • My dog got neutered and microchipped.  
  • My's peaceful (for the most part) but complicated.  
  • I'm seriously thinking of starting to "rescue and renew" old furniture to sell.
Tomorrow is a new day.  I will rejoice and be glad in it.