Thursday, February 27, 2014

Parenting is scary...Day 5

Today I signed an apartment rental guarantee form (basically co-signing) for my 19 year old.  He is between colleges (I hope) and couldn't seem to find a job here so he moved to a college town about 2 hours from here, with a friend and is now setting up house there.  It is scary...and surreal...and scary!

Those moments in the early years,  when you're starving and sleep deprived and holding your week old baby as you try to make a sandwich, because if you lay him down all he does is cry...or when you're up all night with a 3 yr old who has a cold and just can't seem to sleep without you sitting beside him...when you're so tired you think you'll die...those moments are nothing when compared to parenting a teenager.

Parenting is hard....and scary...everyday! Anyone who tells you different is lying!  That is all...

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