Sunday, February 23, 2014

What's Your Excuse?

I saw a video on Facebook today about a disabled veteran who, because of his injuries, was told he would never walk unassisted again. Due to his inactivity, he gained weight and basically gave up.  Because he couldn't walk, many fitness instructors and trainers refused to work with him.  I can only imagine what I would do in his position.  Wallow in self pity?  Concede to be a victim until the day I die?  Who knows.
Do you know what he did?  He got a yoga dvd and he worked out at home.  He fell down (literally) over and over again, but instead of staying down, he rose up.  The man couldn't take one step on his own without his crutches/walkers but he got a mat and a chair and he found a way to work out.  Long story short, he made it happen.  He lost the weight, he strengthened his body and now he runs.  Not walks, but runs.
I cried watching the video.  It touched my heart.  It was entitled "What's Your Excuse?" and as it ended I realized that if this man didn't have an excuse, surely neither do I. I've eaten myself to obesity.  I've limited what I can do in this life. I've 'lazied' my way into big girl territory and I'm sick and tired of it.

I said in a previous post I wasn't ready to commit, but today, I am.  Not to a specific diet or workout regimen but to a better life and a better version of me.  I want to be healthier and happier.  I want to be responsible for my own happiness, without giving that power to someone else.   So today I commit to setting goals and making changes.  I commit to rising up.  Will you join me?

Goals for this week...
  • Begin logging in My Fitness Pal
  • Begin to move everyday (walk at lunch or walk in the evening)
  • Begin to make small changes to my diet (more fruits and veggies, less carbs, cleaner eating)
  • Pack lunchs
  • Plan ahead

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